Various jurisdictions throughout Australia allow members of the public to shoot unlicensed at gun clubs. The program is called the ‘Try Shooting’ program. The program allows for members of the public to shoot unlicensed at gun clubs.
This law is a breach of the National Firearms Agreement (NFA). GCA is calling for the program to be abolished.
The the program is dangerously unregulated.
- No monitoring of clubs to assess compliance with 'one on one' direct supervision with unlicensed persons.
- No checking police intelligence database against the personal history answers made on ‘try shooting’ application form
Since 2010, the ‘Try Shooting’ program has been associated with three deaths.
In 2010, Mr. Fernando was killed by his daughter who unsupervised and as a result was able to take a gun from a gun club which she then used to fatally shoot her father.